Sunday, December 13, 2009

Frogs and Swamp Butterflies

Today has been a day that I've been reminded of the blessings in my life and those that I have to look forward to.  I tried to post a picture in this blog to help explain the swamp butterfly, but I can't figure out how to get a picture in here!  So, if you have access to my Facebook, just look at my profile picture. :o)  The swamp butterfly is a mystical creature that was created in the very imaginative mind of my nephew, Jonathan, who's 4.  This past July, he couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that my sister, his mom, was having a birthday party and there were no games, no clown, nothing. :o)  So, he finally convinced my sister to paint his face for the birthday party.  He was a pirate and Ash did a great job with the face paint.  However, one person getting their face painted wouldn't suffice.  Jonathan couldn't be the only one!  So, guess who got volunteered? :o)  That's right, Auntie Em.  So, he decided he wanted to draw a butterfly on my face since "butterflies are beautiful like my Auntie Em" (OK, so maybe he didn't say it EXACTLY like that, but I'm sure that's what he meant). :o) Ashley outlined the butterfly for him, but as you can see in the picture, the outline only lasted so long.  He began filling in the outline (staying in the lines at first which was very good!), but then he began telling me more about this butterfly.   "Well, you see, this is a swamp butterfly.  They're different from regular butterflies.  They're special butterflies.  Um, swamp butterflies have mustaches. (He proceeded to draw a mustache on my face) And they have beards too (at this point he's giggling and drawing a big black beard on my face) and they have...." At this point we stopped him. :o)  I wasn't sure what I was going to end up with on my face next!!  So, I was blessed with the one and only painting of a swamp butterfly beautifully constructed on my face and photographed for posterity.  Even though I had green and blue paint in my pours for the next week, this memory will last a lifetime.  I love watching the creativity that my nephew has and his execution of it.  What a blessing children are!

As for the frogs, about 8 months ago, this became a running prayer in my life.  Long story short, while I was on one of my thinking/praying drives out east of town, I ran over (or nearly ran over) about 15 frogs.  It was awful!  I mean, I don't love frogs or anything, but to be glad that you managed to not hit the frog with your tire and then hear this sickening "thud" under your car as it decided to jump just as you drove over the poor thing was more than I could take.  Normally God and I have these very open and verbal talks while I'm driving (I know most of the time He's just sitting there saying, "Emily, when are you going to shut up and let me talk?" :o)  But sometimes it takes me awhile to get all my words out.  Thankfully He's patient with me and when I'm done blabbing, He hits me with some amazing truth.)  But anyway, back to the drive.  I was praying outloud and about the time that I heard my 3rd or 4th thud under my car, I yelled out, "God, no more frogs!" :o)  So, before you think I'm crazy and spend a lot of time talking to myself, let me speak to the theraputic properties of a drive like this.  You can yell all you want and no one will know!  And then when you get your frustration out, you are open to have God speak into your life.  I've been taught so much on these drives.  But anyway, as I yelled this out, suddenly a huge smile came to my face.  I realized the irony of what I had just said.  I'd been praying about singleness and venting to the Lord that I was tired of my relationships not working out.  As I yelled out this single phrase, I laughed.  Lord, I don't want anymore frogs in my life.  I'm ready for that prince.  (I do feel I need to put a disclaimer here that by calling my past relationships frogs, I'm not saying anything bad about the guys I've dated, I'm merely stating that I'm done dating guys that turn out to be frogs for me.)  So, God and I have one more inside joke (altough I guess it's not all that inside anymore since I've just posted it to the World Wide Web). :o)

In looking back on Frogs and Swamp Butterflies, I'm reminded of the great love my Father has for me!!  He has blessed my life in such creative ways and I love Him for it.  How can I help but not love Him when He loves me so much?!  In posting this note today, I'm hoping that you'll be reminded of Frogs and Swamp Butterflies in your life and be reminded how dearly your Father loves you!!  If you feel like sharing, I'd love to hear your Frog and Swamp Butterfly stories too!!

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