Sunday, November 08, 2009

The Undetected Sacredness of Circumstances

Once again God has used Oswald Chambers to speak through time from the early 1900's to my heart now in 2009.  Specifically on this day, in this moment.  I've been convinced for a long time that there is no such thing as chance.  Events, both big and small, and circumstances, both major and minor, are ordained by God and allowed to happen for a reason.  Some reasons He reveals to me instantly, others in time and others I will never know.  But I can always trust that He is in control, whatever the circumstances.

Today is a day when I have once again questioned my circumstances.  I see people around me who are in circumstances I want to be in (both personally and ministry wise) and ask, "God, why not me?  Why am I where I am doing what I'm doing?"  And then I pick up Chambers.  I usually read this in the morning, but today it was at night, and again God knew what He was doing.  Throughout the day I had been drawn to Romans 8:28, "All things work together for good, for those who love God."  I've struggled with this verse in the past because I look at other people's lives and say, "God, they love you with all their hearts and yet they are going through these awful circumstances."  I don't see how these circumstances can be used for good.  But it says they will be in His Word.

Well, back to Chambers.  I pick it up and, surprise surprise, Romans 8:28 is the verse today.  And he brought a new perspective to this verse.  One my brain is still chewing on.  First, he said, "The circumstances of a saint's life are ordained by God.  In the life of a saint there is no such thing as chance.  God by His providence brings you into circumstances that you cannot understand at all, but the Spirit of God understands."  Here's where the new perspective comes in: "God is bringing you into places and among people and into conditions in order that the intercession of the Spirit in you may take a particular line....You part in intercessory prayer is not to enter into the agony of intercession, but to utilize the common-sense circumstances God puts you in, and the common-sense people He puts you amongst by His providence, to bring them before God's throne and give the Spirit in you a chance to intercede for them.  In this way God is going to sweep the whole world with His saints."

My circumstances put me in a unique place to intercede on the behalf of others and allow the Spirit who is in me to intercede before the throne when I have no words.  There are peoples lives I observe on varying levels that I am called to intercede for, but the amazing thing is, His Spirit is actually doing the interceding and my life and circumstances are the vessel.  Because of a conversation I had with a dear friend of mine tonight, I am in a unique place to intercede before the Lord on her behalf and allow the Spirit to speak words I couldn't even express.  Because I went out to check the mail today (circumstances) I met my neighbor and will now be able to intercede for her.  (Incredible woman! Lost her husband of almost 55 years to an unexpected heart attack last year.  And she still trusts the Lord.  Wow.)  Because of the sweet time I had with one of my name-twins this morning, I am in a unique position to intercede before the Father on her behalf.  What an incredible new way to look at my circumstances!!  Now I look at the verse "All things work together for good to them that love God."  What if a portion of what is meant in this verse is that my perspective needs to be right?  If I am looking at my circumstances and those of others as placing me in unique positions for prayer, how can I think otherwise about all things working together for good?  And the best part about this?  It's not just my unique position.  It's each believer's unique position!  For the two or three people who will read this, it's your unique position if you love God.  You have a unique opportunity to pray for that co-worker who you bumped into at the copier and had a random conversation about her hectic morning with the kids.  And you have a unique opportunity to pray special blessings over that friend who just came to you with exciting news about a big change in her life.  And you have a unique opportunity to pray for that neighbor you meet while checking your mail on a Saturday afternoon.  Look at your circumstances, where do you see unique opportunities?

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