Sunday, January 03, 2010

I Surrender All...

It's funny how life can take random turns sometimes.  Random in my eyes, but not in God's.  They're planned turns in His eyes.  Over the last couple of months, since my birthday, God has been doing some "growing up" work in my heart.  He's brought me, once again, full circle and I again stand amazed in His presence.  He is such an incredible God! 

There are many things that happened over the holidays that were huge blessings in my life, but the most recent blessings have happened over the last two days.  I was blessed to help out at the Life Impact conference and be surrounded by some incredible giants of the faith.  I was SO encouraged!  I found myself, once again, missing full-time ministry.  During one of the sessions, I watched as student after student stood showing the extent of the impact God has had on lives by one man who surrendered his life completely to our Father.  I was challenged to discipleship and had my heart broken for the lost in a way that I haven't experienced in awhile.  And I had an incredibly encouraging chat with a man named Fred.  In the span of a 15 minute conversation, this man quoted 25-30 verses completely from memory.  What a testimony!  He told me he would be praying that I would find a Godly man to marry (inserted a couple of verses here) and that he would love me second only to Christ (inserted a few more verses) and reminded me of the incredible love God has for me (more verses). :o)  I was blown away by the knowledge of scripture this man had committed to memory!  And the blessing I received from it!  Fred has a true love for people that is evident on his face when he's speaking with you.  I want Christ's light to shine through me like that.

Many emotions, thoughts and questions have gone through my head and my heart this weekend.  So many that I don't think I could write them all down here, even if I wanted to.  I was faced with a heartache I didn't think I could handle in person again and found God's peace, mercy and love on the other side.  I had desires renewed in my heart and others laid to rest, some very neatly and others rather painfully, but less painfully than I thought they would be.  As I walk into my 30's, my heart and life are a complete open canvas.  I'm ready for something that God has been preparing me for all through my 20s.  Now I wait in humble expectation.  I surrender all...

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